Conditions of Sale
We wish to draw the following matters to your attention :
1. It is your responsibility to grant us permission, or to obtain permission where
necessary for floor coverings to be fixed to floors using adhesive or pins as appropriate. We cannot accept responsibility for any damage incurred to floors during fitting as a result of fixing materials to floors.
2. Unless stated on the estimate, taking up your existing floor coverings or moving
furniture is not included. This can be arranged for a modest charge.
3. We cannot be responsible for any doors that may need trimming. Although this can be arranged for a modest cost.
4. Plain carpets may have dark and light patches for some time after fitting due to pile pressure. Footmarks and depressions made by furniture may also produce this effect. Shading & pile pressure are not a sign of an unsatisfactory carpet and are not a valid cause of complaint. They become less noticeable as a carpet settles down.
5. Every effort will be made to meet requests for dates of fitting or delivery, but any
delay which occurs before goods reach our premises cannot be regarded as a cause for cancellation.
6. Where two different widths of carpet are ordered, an exact colour match cannot be guaranteed.
7. Retention of title — Until the purchase price of the goods comprised in the contract have been paid in full, they remain the property of Carpets Select (Southern LTD).
8. A 50% deposit is required upon ordering. Goods will not be ordered until the deposit is paid.
9. Payment of any other balance is due on completion or within 30 days of ordering, whichever comes first.
10. We reserve the right to charge interest of 2.5% per month on any overdue account.